Daily Oil Paintings by American Artist Tim Webster. Creating almost Daily Paintings of Still Life, Landscapes, Cityscapes, Seascapes, and Urban Paintings.
This is a painting of a Tattooed Pinup girl. I love painting pinup, its probably my favorite subject. The fact that she was tattooed made it even better.
About a week ago I was checking out a friend of mines photography. I can across this photo and I thought it would look cool as a painting. So i ran it by him and he said sure go ahead and paint it. I picked this one mainly because I want to spend the week painting different runned down motels in the Maryland area. If you like it, its currently listed on eBay as an auction.
My love for tattoos is very deep. Growing up and having my grandfather tell me about all the tattooist stationed in Hawaii during the second world war was an awesome experience. In fact it was because of him that I even ventured out into the tattoo industry.
This painting is a portrait of a girl that I met awhile ago in Ocean City, Md. She would always talk about how much she loved abstract portraits. So this is my memory of the time i once knew her. She currently lives in Russia.
Wahington D.C. has plenty of cherry blossoms throughout the district. Alot of people think that most of them came from Japan. But in fact alot of them were grown in Cambridge, Md (my home town) on route 50. They were dug up and then placed in D.C.
I cant begin to tell you how many time Ive been here. Weather it was just to eat and look at all the history of music or to see a band. It happens to be one of my favorite places to go in good ol'charm city.
I was walking down the street in St. Mary's county in Maryland. And I noticed that the sign was very vintage looking. So I had my nikon with me and thought it would make for a good painting. And wah-la, here it is. Its a really neat town/city on the western shore of Maryland.
I love to take train rides. One of my favorite stations is in Washington D.C. The Union Train station has tons of history. Plus it looks awesome on the inside.
This is a fantastic place to eat and drink in Maryland. My wife and I have started to go here almost once a week. But were trying to hold back because we dont want to burn ourselves out on their amazing food!