Monday, August 2, 2010

Tonight's Dinner

Tonight's Dinner
Oil on Linen Panel
7" x 5"
August 1, 2010
By Tim Webster

Today I felt like doing another still life painting. I have done 3 of them so far, and I have enjoyed every one of them. This painting is currently list on ebay as an Auction. Click the link below too redirect you to ebay.

To a Collector in Maryland


  1. Hi Tim, I am a new follower of your blog. Your work is beautiful!!!
    (a non traditional student, mom, EMT, neurotic, and an artist wannabe).

  2. Thank You so much Nicki for the kind words! I am now following you as well=)

  3. Thank you! I hope it is ok...I put your blog on my blogroll and your website under my "Cool Artsy Fartsy Sites."

  4. I love your blog! Its very interesting. I would definitly like to see some more posts from you! And Thank You so much for the additions of my sites to yours! Im working on doing the same with mine, and Ill will most certainly add you to mine as well=))

  5. Thanks so much! I still can't believe you have a new painting posted every day! Takes me weeks to produce a piece of crap! =)

  6. Youre very Welcome! Oh I enjoy painting way too much. Its a great feeling creating art everyday and being able to share it here on the internet. Hahaha, I remember when it took me a few days to paint something. But I think your work is great=)
